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Blog Series, Part 3: LinkedIn Training [VIDEO]

May 16, 2013 / in General Information, LinkedIn / by

Post written by Mic Johnson 
Blogger|LinkedIn Trainer|WordPress Content Guy|Social Coach|Rational Optimist|Jayhawk Fanatic|Cancer Volunteer


We added the video above to the LinkedIn Training page of our web site recently.

This is the third post in a blog series highlighting the videos we’ve done for our web site. We’ve gotten great feedback on both previous posts in this series, Blog Series, Part 1: Why We Added Video To Our Web Site, and Blog Series, Part 2: WordPress Web Development.

Most people have commented on how professional the videos look and that our passion really comes through. We’ve also gotten plenty of comments about how strikingly handsome we are and how we should be in movies. (hey, a guy can dream, right?)

We hope our stories around how these videos came together inspire you or your company to start thinking seriously about how video can enhance your online presence and help your business grow!

What It Took To Create This Video

This video was the second of three videos that were captured in a one hour session of “takes” with Mike Snell at Blue Wall Design, the video production company that caters to small and medium sized businesses. 

We went back and forth on the most important elements we wanted to cover in the video. One of the challenges was realizing that we wanted the video to be around 2-3 minutes long. Jason and I can both can be a bit long-winded, so we had to really challenge ourselves to be informative….and brief. 

When we were done shooting, Mike worked his editing magic, incorporated graphic elements, music, etc. and got the finished product back to us in about a week. 

We believe that professional videos are important because anyone can take a flip cam and shoot a video, but being able to have an expert like Mike to put some polish around it was money well spent.

We’ve already begun to share these videos with people that are interested in doing business with us. We’ve found that the videos not only quickly summarize our services, but they also let people that have never met us get a feel for our passion and personalities. 

Why LinkedIn Training?

Simply put…because people need it. Badly.

Have you ever gone to someone’s profile and wondered why they were even on LinkedIn? Maybe their profile had no picture, no description of who they are and what they do, no work history, no interests, etc. Or maybe they have 500+ connections but their profile is only 20% complete. 

Even if a person has a decent profile, do they know how to use LinkedIn? Do they know what to do when a stranger sends them a LinkedIn connection request? Do they know how to prospect using LinkedIn? Do they know how to remove connections? Do they know how to update their profile? Do they know how to write a recommendation?

For many people, the answers to those questions and others is NO.

Need more reasons?

How about the fact that there are over 500,000 people on LinkedIn within a 50 mile radius of Downtown Kansas City?

How about the fact that studies consistently report that LinkedIn is the preferred network for Business Executives?

How about the fact that people, now and forever, prefer to do business through trusted relationships and LinkedIn shows you who your connections know in businesses all across the city?

If you still aren’t convinced, check out 20 Reasons Why Your Business Should Not Be On LinkedIn

How Does Blue Gurus Do LinkedIn Training? 

We do the majority of our LinkedIn training on-site so that we can bring your people together and collaborate in a team building environment.  

The first thing we do with our LinkedIn training effort is help people understand what makes a great LinkedIn profile. Your profile is your online personal and professional brand and making sure that you accurately represent yourself is critical.

As I say in the video:

“Your profile isn’t for you. It’s for everybody that comes and looks at your profile. It’s for people that are considering buying from you.”

We go through each section of the LinkedIn profile and help you understand how to build a profile that more accurately represents who you are and what you do.

Once we’ve worked with your team to educate you on how to create a great LinkedIn profile, we bring the entire team together for a 1.5-2 hour group training session focused on prospecting, how to connect to people, LinkedIn etiquette,  discuss what types of things you should do in LinkedIn every week, and more.

When the training is done, your team will know a ton more about LinkedIn and understand how they can use it to grow professionally while helping the company grow at the same time.

Don’t just take our word for it, check out “What Two New Clients Said After Their LinkedIn Training Sessions.”

As always, thank you for taking the time to read our blog and watch our videos. We appreciate it very much!

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