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New BlueGurus.com Look and Feel

October 9, 2010 / in Portfolio / by

Our web site looks different, right? Well, this is our interesting way of telling you that BlueGurus.com is currently being worked on! We like to change the entire look of our site at least yearly to show off the power of WordPress and professional themes. This is our fourth redesign in 18 months and the WordPress Themes just keep getting better.  We worked on the site Friday and Saturday, October 8th and 9th and updated our progress as we went.  Overall it took about 8 hours to completely redesign how our site looks and we added a bunch of new functionality including a home page slideshow, contact us form and more.

FRIDAY, October 8, 2010

11:00 am | Installed and configured the new theme.  Uploaded the Blue Gurus logo.  Created customized headers for the sidebar (the blue circle with an arrow).  Set up the “Connect With Us” and “Choose A Category” widgets in the sidebar of the home page and subpages.

12:30 pm | Got the Fusion Menu working… drag across the menu to see the interesting transitions.

1:00 pm | Had to go through the last 30 posts we have done to insert the “Read More” control in our content so that summaries appear on the blog page instead of a REALLY, REALLY long page with all the text for each post.  Sheesh.  At least that is done now and won’t need to be done again.  Hooked up the WP-PageNavi plugin to make the bottom navigation of the Blog page easier to use.  Instead of “Older Entries” there is now a paginated control that makes it easy to jump between pages of blog posts.


4:00 pm | Cleaned up the Why Blue Gurus page using theme supported styles, added subtext under the menu headings on the navigation bar.


9:00 pm | Created the home page slideshow using images purchased from iStockPhoto and a little creative text about what the heck we do for a living.

SATURDAY, October 9, 2010

8:00 am | Created the new Contact Info Sidebar graphic for main and subpages.

9:00 am | Created the contact form using the following plugins: Contact Form 7, Really Simple CAPTCHA and WP-Mail-SMTP.

If you have any questions or comments about the site, what we do, or just want to say hi, be sure to reach out to us! (via social media or old school)

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