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MozyPro – Online backups that work

August 24, 2009 / in Information Technology / by


We all worry about losing our data.  The crazy thing is that we don’t take the 30 minutes that it would take to put in place a good backup solution for the data on our laptops or workstations.  I do web development, webinar presentations, and a million other things that take a lot of time to create.  I can’t afford to lose these kinds of files.

Enter Mozy.  MozyPro is an inexpensive and incredibly effective way for you to back up the files on your computer.  All that is required is a broadband internet connection and a small monthly fee paid to Mozy for hosting your data, providing the technology that only backs up portions of the files that were changed, etc.

I installed MozyPro today and it works like a champ.  I chose to start with 3 Gigabytes of storage which costs $3.95 plus 50 cents per Gigabyte per month (Grand total of $5.45/month).  I decided to back up a 2 Gigabyte folder on my C: drive that has my most important documents.  The installation was completely straightforward, and the initial backup process happened in the background while I was working.  I did a test restore of some random files with no problems.  Easy interface and it works as expected.

I had heard about Mozy from many of my friends in the industry.  They all love it.  Now I can see why.  If you need to back up a bunch of data from a computer, I strongly recommend that you look into MozyPro! (And if you are still in the dark ages and burning DVDs to backup your data, you should stop what you are doing right now and set this service up.)

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