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5 Tips for Taking Better Smartphone Photos

March 15, 2022 / in How To / by

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Hello friends! This week, I am sharing 5 tips for taking better smartphone photos… and I am pretty sure there is at least one or two things in here that you didn’t know about, or didn’t know your smartphone could do. So whether you want to get better photos for your next LinkedIn status update or blog post, or you want to take better photos to capture moments during your next big trip, you should watch this video!

Here are the five things I will cover in this video:

  1. Make Sure Your Smartphone is Somewhat Current. Lens capabilities and number of lenses has exploded over the past couple of years. So if your phone is an iPhone 5, it’s past time to upgrade.
  2. Look at the Light. People really don’t understand how important it is to pay attention to where the light sources are when taking photos.
  3. Set Focus and Exposure. There is an easy way to adjust the focus and exposure without being a camera nerd.
  4. Turn on the Grid and follow the Law of Thirds.
  5. Shoot Landscape, not Portrait. Unless you are specifically creating content for Tik Tok or Instagram, you should probably be shooting wide shots (landscape), not tall shots (portrait).

This one took me more to edit because I actually show video segments of me taking photos with my camera outside to demonstrate what I am teaching… I hope you learn something! If you do, please let me know in the comments. See you next week!

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