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Top 7 Things on Jason’s Mind – 11/29/2012

November 29, 2012 / in Community Service, General Information, Personal / by

Hi friends!  This is Jason, and I am sitting here at Black Dog Coffee on 87th street preparing to write my blog for this week.  Mic and I take turns every other week writing the Blue Gurus blog posts. There are so many things on my mind today that I thought I would do another roundup of topics instead of focusing on one specific thing!

What Will You Do With the Time That’s Left?

Over Thanksgiving, a good friend and client of mine went through the tragic experience of his father dying unexpectedly. The news came as such a shock, and it has been on my mind off and on for the past few days. It was a strong reminder that we don’t know how much time we have left to make a difference. 

It was an even stronger reminder that I have so many things to be thankful for.  My health, a loving wife, a growing business, great clients, reliable friends and so much more. If you haven’t taken a couple of minutes to stop the “busy, busy” and think about how far you’ve come, I encourage you to do so TODAY.

Apple Tracking Users with Ad Functionality (and how to turn it off!)

Mic found a great article that he forwarded to me about Apple tracking users with new ad functionality built into the iOS 6 operating system.  It only take a couple of clicks to turn off the ad tracking, and here are the instructions on how to do it.

Do You Have Company Christmas Cards Yet?

I just ordered the Blue Gurus Christmas cards from Snapfish.com and will be sending them out in the coming week or so.  It definitely takes some time, but I think it is important to send cards to your clients around the holidays.  Especially if you can include a picture of your team!  Shutterfly.com and Snapfish.com make it easy to order photo cards and they ship within 24 hours of ordering.  They are obviously geared up for the holidays.

If You Aren’t Done Shopping Yet – DealNews.com

If you haven’t finished your shopping yet, be sure to check out dealnews.com.  I have done ALL of my shopping online this year, and dealnews is a great source for online deals.  Whether it is legos for your kids or gadgets for yourself, you will find some great deals on their site.

Partnering with Home Rental Services and KVC to Adopt Kids for Christmas

Tonight, I am going with the staff of Home Rental Services to shop for presents for needy kids.  We have adopted the kids with the help of KVC.  Between us, we are adopting 14 children that will have a better Christmas!  If you haven’t done it before, the best gift you can give is time or financial resources to those in need. 

One of the ideas that Adam Hamilton at COR mentioned in his sermon last week was what would the world look like if we spent as much on people in need as we did on our families during Christmas? There is still time this year for you to do something, so think about it and then do something about it!

When Was the Last Time You Updated Your Website Content?

You might struggle keeping the content on your web site updated.  We do too!  We have five web site projects to add to our web portfolio on the BlueGurus.com website and it has been on my mind for a few weeks.  I scheduled time on my calendar for next Monday to get them done (they are great stories and I hope you get a chance to read them as they come out on our blog!)  If you know that it has been a while since you updated the projects on your website, or your blog, or page content in general, put some time on your calendar to get it done!

Year End Review

Do you pull your team together at the end of the year to go over how things went? Mic and I do this every year and it is always an eye opener to see how much we accomplished.  Often, we get so caught up in the projects we are currently working on that we don’t take the time to celebrate our previous work. 

We also uncover two or three really important things to work on in the coming year.  We are getting together this Friday for our year end review and then going to the “sushi train” at Sakura for lunch. (My birthday is 12/4 and Mic is taking me for an early birthday celebration!  If you have a craving for sushi, join us!  The sushi train starts rolling at 11:45am.)

What’s on your mind?  What things do you need to accomplish in December?  We would love to hear from you, so feel free to add a comment below to let us know!

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