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Spooky News from Blue Gurus

October 30, 2019 / in General Information / by

Blue Gurus Spooky News

This week, I have so many things on my mind that I wanted to share with you that I am going to just go for it. And since Halloween is this week, I’m trying to go for a spooky vibe. Let’s see how that works.

Scary Statistics Shared at Enterprise University Class on Retirement

If you haven’t heard about Enterprise University, it’s a series of business focused classes offered by Enterprise Bank. I recently attended their class on Retirement Planning given by Chris Torres. He did a great job and shared a bunch of thought provoking information and statistics.

  • Average retirement savings for Americans in their 60s? $172,000.
  • Amount needed to retire? Ten times your annual salary.
  • Amount to withdraw annually in retirement so as not to reduce principal? 4%

The scary thing is how many people haven’t given enough thought to retirement planning. (More statistics here.)

This has been on my mind in 2019. We’ve made a lot of changes with our investments, and I’m reading everything I can to be an informed consumer. (Let me know if you would like me to do a full blog post about this in the next few weeks…)

Hope House TP Drive Results… News Crew in my Garage?!?!

The final tally on rolls gathered for Hope House this year was 2,540. So yes, we hit the goal!!! Thank you so much to everyone that contributed. Special thanks to Earl Kawaoka and Fry-Wagner Moving and Storage for donating the truck and movers to get the TP from my house to Hope House!

Hope House put out a press release about it, and KMBC showed up at my house at 6am and did live spots from my garage until 9am. Crazy good coverage for Hope House! (We let our neighbors know ahead of time so they didn’t worry about a news crew at our house.) I got a lot of texts and emails that morning, so apparently people still watch the news in the morning. Fun!

During the course of this TP drive, Caitlin Meehan at Home Rental Services told me about a company called Who Gives a Crap. They sell toilet paper and donate half their profits to provide toilets to people that can’t afford them. Their brand and messaging are fantastic and funny. Check them out!

Next Hats Club Event – Wednesday, November 13th at Training Umbrella

The Hats Club Logo

Nothing scary about this… If you haven’t been to a Hats Club event, please consider joining me on November 13th at Training Umbrella. You will get to hear from Christy and Jason on how they started their company. And some of the challenges they’ve faced and overcome as entrepreneurs.

You’ll also be able to network. And there will be food and beer. Maybe I should have led with that?

Here’s a link to register for the November 13th Hats Club event.

And that’s it! Have a safe and happy Halloween with your friends and family. Thank you for reading!

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