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The Book of Mormon – A Networking Event?!?!

March 4, 2015 / in General Information / by

Hello friends!  It’s time for another post from Jason.

book-of-mormonRecently, I went to see the Broadway musical “Book of Mormon” at the Music Hall in downtown Kansas City. For those of you that haven’t heard of it, it’s a play created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of South Park. Yes, it’s vulgar and profane.  And really funny. In 2011, this play won 9 Tony awards including best musical.

One of my best friends, David Carey, invited me to go see it with a group of his friends.  I didn’t really know what to expect other than I would need to go into the experience prepared to not take it seriously. That’s in line with most of the content that Stone and Parker create. They usually push things well past the line of acceptable language and topic. But I knew it would be entertaining… South Park is a guilty pleasure of mine.

I really enjoyed the show. The performances were outstanding. The music was excellent (even though the words made me cringe at times.) In my experience, there are usually a couple of people with amazing voices and a decent supporting cast. I was inspired by the fact that at least a dozen of the cast members had rock star voices.

And Then I Was Really Surprised…

At intermission, I saw a TON of friends that we do business with:  Doug Hubler and Jerry Meinert with Apex Business AdvisorsJason Moxness with Alterra BankJanine Akers with DataFile Technologies. I couldn’t believe that intermission had turned into some kind of strange networking event!

It was fun to share the experience with even more people I know and trust. And it was another great reminder that no matter where you go or what you’re doing, there is usually someone you know who will see you doing it.

Did you get a chance to go see the show?  Let me know!

David Carey, and Jason and Paige Moxness stayed with me after the show to get a picture with some of the cast members.

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