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Social Media ROI? Here’s how we found our newest blogging client.

July 5, 2017 / in Blogging / by

Author: Jason Terry, talking about Social Media ROI.

Our audience regularly asks for real world stories about social media efforts turning into measurable revenue. In other words, is it worth the time to connect with people on social media sites. And then tell them stories (through blogging) to stay top of mind? The answer is yes.

I’ve mentioned it before, but I’ll say it again. Every single dollar that we’ve earned since 2009 is the result of a referral. And just about every business we talk to gets more than 70% of their new revenue from referrals as well.

Blue Gurus - Kansas City BloggingKnowing this to be true, we should always be connecting to the people that are likely to refer us to our next customer. And that’s just half of the social machinery required for success when it comes to generating revenue. We have to stay top of mind by telling them stories about our team, our clients, our community and our passions.

An Example of Social Media ROI

So here’s the example. Mic and I did a website for Vince & Associates Clinical Research about three years ago. During that project, I connected with an IT professional named Matthew Hornung, the Owner of Blue Wave IT. The funny thing is that I only talked face to face with Matthew for about 15 minutes. I needed him to make some technical changes to their domain so that the new website we had built would go live. I loved that his company name was Blue Wave IT (the common color Blue in our company names.) And we ended up connecting on LinkedIn.

Fast forward to June, 2017… it’s been almost three years since Matthew and I have talked or emailed each other. That said, we have mutual friends in the IT community (Trent and Heath at Umbrella Managed Systems for example) and Matthew has seen our blog updates on LinkedIn off and on over the years.

Matthew Hornung Refers Us To Our Next Blogging ClientMatthew called me out of the blue (pun intended) and tells me that he’s working with a large physician group in Lee’s Summit. He goes on to tell me that they’ve been talking about updating their website and getting their arms around their blogging and social media strategy. He was reaching out to see how we could help.

A conference call and then a face-to-face meeting over the course of a week, and we now have a new blogging client that’s going to be a lot of fun to work with. The thing to remember here is that the ONLY way this happened was because Matthew and I connected on LinkedIn. And we stayed top of mind with him for three years with regular status updates about our work, our clients and our passions.

This is another example of social media ROI that keeps us blogging every week for ourselves and with our clients.
It just works.

If you or someone you know needs help getting the storytelling process off the ground, give me a shout! It would be ironic if this blog post turned into another great referral… I would need to do a Part 2 telling that story as well. :)

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