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Portfolio (Old)

The websites shown below were created on site with our clients in two to four web development days scheduled across 4 to 6 weeks. Doing the work together on site is the most efficient way to get a new website created. And our clients learn how to edit their own content as we create the new site together. We get to work together as a team to create something we can all be proud of, that we can manage easily and that doesn’t take months to deliver. (By the way, we recommend FlyWheel for WordPress web hosting.)

[av_portfolio columns=’3′ one_column_template=’special’ items=’24’ contents=’title’ preview_mode=’auto’ image_size=’portfolio’ linking=” sort=’no’ paginate=’yes’ query_orderby=’date’ query_order=’DESC’]

Recent Article

Me? A blogger?

Honestly, I was skeptical. My first few posts were dry, hard to write and not very interesting, even to me. Then I had a breakthrough. I wrote about my passion for Bruce Springsteen. Very personal, very “non-banky.” The response was overwhelmingly positive.

Pam Berneking

Pam Berneking

Former President and CEO of Alterra Bank

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