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Thankful for a Culture of Appreciation

February 20, 2018 / in Company Culture / by

appreciationPost written by Mic Johnson

I was cleaning out some boxes recently and came across a card that Jason gave me (along with my year-end bonus) on Friday, December 13, 2013.

I read the card and it made me smile. It was a great little pick-me-up to start my day.

I took a picture of the card and sent it to Jason and said “Look what I came across this morning. I appreciate you too, brother.”

Take a look at what he wrote.

This experience got me thinking about something that has been woven into the fabric of the Blue Gurus company culture from the beginning.


Over the years, Jason and I have done, and said, countless things showing our appreciation for one another (and our clients).

It’s something we take great pride in and do our very best to be intentional and thoughtful about it.

Sometimes it’s an email saying “Love ya, brother. Thanks for being you.”

Sometimes it’s a quick text congratulating one another on a new client.

Sometimes it’s a phone call patting each other on the back for how we were able to help a client.

Sometimes we get together over lunch and tell each other in person as we catch up on business and life.

Not only is the culture of appreciation built into the fabric of the DNA of me, Jason and Blue Gurus, but I would argue it should be built into the fabric of EVERY company.

Who doesn’t like to be told they’re appreciated?

You can’t ever really say it enough.

People need to be reminded that they matter, that their opinions are valued, that their contributions are appreciated.

I’m very thankful and proud of the fact that we’ve had this type of relationship and culture from the start.

And we’re a two-person company.

If we can do it, every company can.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I APPRECIATE IT.

What do you do to show appreciation for those you work with? What kind of appreciation initiatives does your company do? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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